Yunalis Zarai
when first time i heard her song, i just fall in love with her voice! i swear! here is some of her songs that i think are cool!
- Deeper Conversation
- After Midnight
- Rocket
- Missing Star
- Permission
- Dan Sebenarnya

with her guitar
she's educated and talented. don't u think that she's a gift? :)
kalau gua nak dekat yuna, lu agak agak la kan, yuna tu nak tak dekat gua...
hahahahahaaa.. :)
ha ha ha!
kalau kamu tinggalkan karier sebagai pemandu jentolak, MUNGKIN!
aku pun suka yuna masa mula2 dia keluar!
semua lagu dia best!
hehe.. taw xpe!
semua sangat besh!
sy baru tau pasal kewujudan yuna ni..huhu
best jugak erk lagu dia..
syok gilew bile dgr time tension..
rase cool sangat2..
aku x leh tengok pompuan main gitar.rasa rendah diri.
i like her too :D
zairi - huhu.. relax jew tgk die petik.. :)
@nnap3jelov3b@by@qiL - sama lah kite! XD
kerana yuna kamu membaca blog saya..
mari saling follow memolow
he he.
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